Gambling Herald

Weird Gambling Stories – Refugee Fund Gambled Away by a Priest


According to online gambling news, we are not lacking weird gambling stories this week. According to latest gambling news, refugee fund was gambled away by a priest in London, Ontario. The catholic priest is charged with spending over $500.000 saved up for the support of Iraqi refugees. He is under police investigation.

Father Amer Saka – priest at St Joseph Chaldean Catholic Church – confessed his sin to the Bishop, Emanuel Shaleta. He said he lost a huge amount of money in gambling which caused him serious problems. He confessed that he lost $500,000 given to him by families who wanted to support refugees under a private sponsorship program.

Weird Gambling Stories, Missing Refugee Fund and the Bishop’s Aspect 

First of all, we should clarify that the Chaldean Catholic Church is based in Baghdad and represents Catholics from Iraq and its neighboring countries. This is a wing of the Catholic Church under the supervision of the Vatican.

The Hamilton Diocese is a registered member of sponsoring Iraqi refugees, but from now obviously with another leader. The Bishop, Shaleta, confirmed all the families who gave their money to the priest had trusted him. He added, he got confused about the facts regarding refugees and their coming over to Toronto and Ontario area. According to a report published on London Free Press, the bishop responded quite consistently to the wrongdoing.

Missing Refugee Fund and the Consequences 

As a report said in the CTV News, the priest has been sent for a gambling addiction treatment at the Southdown institute. The hospital is directly made for clergy members suffering from mental health issues.

The investigation started back in February, as the London Police declared to CTV News. When the Diocese of Hamilton made a complaint regarding the missing money, the police got involved. Since the investigation is still in progress, no allegations have been proved so far.

The coordinator of the refugee fund – Mariam Hamou – stated, people should not be worried about their money. This issue won’t impact on other fundraising efforts as she strengthened.

Read to learn about what Christianity says about gambling!

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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