Gambling Herald
  • Gambling news
    Horse Races with the Audience Got the Green Light in the UK

    After the long anticipation, as the UK enters phase 5 in the fight against the pandemic, finally, we can welcome back horse races with the audience from September. Even more, we already got an official schedule for the upcoming horse races which will be available to visit. Of course, health and safety measurements are the most important aspects of the events. But still, this is a huge step forward to the racing and also a betting industry.

  • Gambling news
    Welsh and Scottish Casinos To Reopen in the Last Week of August

    Welsh and Scottish casinos finally reopen this week. In Scotland, the dream factories opened today (24th of August). While in Wales gambling institutions got the green light from the 29th of August. Let's take a closer look at the much-anticipated monument which can mean the end of the most difficult era of the past years in the gambling industry.
