Gambling Herald
  • Gambling news
    Norwich Father Faces Jail after gambling with Stolen Money

    It’s always a sad time at Christmas when you find out one of your relatives has been naughty. In this case, a father who comes from Norwich was playing with stolen money worth £1m to fuel his addiction. The gambling addict now faces jail after his previous behavior. It’s a sad story for the family, […]

  • Gambling news
    Dan Bilzerian Did Not Become the Powerball Winner, but Is He Still a Winner?

    The Powerball winner, or, rather, winners, have been announced, but that didn’t stop playboy millionaire Dan Bilzerian, who’d spent $100,000 on Powerball tickets, from getting news coverage for participating. Dan Bilzerian, to whom one of my colleagues (perhaps, unfairly) referred to as the “male Kim Kardashian”  is mostly known for flashing his cars, planes, women, and […]
