Gambling Herald
  • Gambling
    Belgium Ban Fifa Points after Months of Talks

    In this article, we’ll be heading over to Belgium and how, after months of discussions, Electronic Arts (EA) have decided to agree to ban Fifa Points on the seasonal Fifa 19 game. The Belgium government had already stated that mystery or loot boxes are a form of gambling but on last week did EA decide […]

  • Gambling
    Could the government actually ban Credit Cards in gambling?

    Within the UK, there is a move being brought up which would effectively see no more credit cards being used in the gambling industry. Lead by Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, this move would affect billions of pounds worth of bets a year. The Gambling Commission will call a launch for the topic in February. […]

  • Gambling
    All you Need to Know about Gambling in Israel

    Although there may be many people in Israel who love gambling, sadly for them, the government isn’t all too fond of it. So, it may come as a surprise to you, but there are only two ways of gambling in Israel. Well, at least these are the two most common ways. In this article, we’ll […]

  • Gambling
    Have a look at what Gambling Operators in Romania are set to Face

    If you’ve been wondering what’s going on in central Europe, gambling operators in Romania will have a new system to follow. There’s a few tax cuts for them which is a good thing for the operators. But nothing good comes without something bad. The gambling operators will also have to pay a certain sum to […]
