Gambling Herald
  • Gambling
    Check out the Best Bits from the Eldorado-Caesars conference Call

    It was only a few weeks back when Eldorado Resorts announced their capture of Caesars Entertainment for $17.3bn. Since then, they are paying $12.75 per share, CEO Tom Reeg walked investors through the ins and outs of the deal. Afterwards, there was the Eldorado-Caesars conference which took place and we’ve selected the best bits for […]

  • Gambling
    Affinity Gaming Promote their COO to replace Rodio

    Just a day after Anthony Rodio had been appointed as CEO of Caesars, Affinity Gaming, the company which he is leaving, have appointed their new CEO Mary Higgins, who leaves her role as COO. Let’s take a look at the story as a whole. If you follow the latest online gambling news, you’ll keep up […]
