Gambling Herald
  • Gambling news
    New Jersey Online Gambling Pursuits Reap Benefits for Atlantic City Casinos

    Brick-and-mortar casinos in Atlantic City managed to squeeze out a year-on-year revenue increase, with almost all credit going to operations related to New Jersey online gambling sites. (Image credit: Mayfair Casinos) The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement released figures on Monday indicating that if it weren’t for New Jersey online gambling, Atlantic City casinos […]

  • Gambling news
    Atlantic City Gambling Revenue Keeps Its Declining Trend

    Atlantic City gambling revenue has been in decline for a long time. There are only seven brick and mortar casinos left in New Jersey’s gambling hub after Trump Taj Mahal closed its doors on the 10th of October. Atlantic City gambling revenue is in decline while online casinos in New Jersey keep performing better and […]
