Gambling Herald
Quote Roll

Quote Roll: May 10, 2016 – Gambling Quotations of the Week


Quote Roll Gambling Quotations of the week focuses on problem gambling this week. We will present the news through expert and famous gamblers quotes taken mainly from the US online gambling news and New Jersey online casino news. Here are the latest online gambling news stories through gambling quotations.

gambling quotationsNeva Pryor – “Children are engaging in a lot of gambling activities with their parents now that they can gamble on the internet in the state of New Jersey.”

According to New Jersey gambling news, the executive director of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey Neva Pryor claimed that the gambling age in New Jersey dropped drastically as young students can be involved in gambling activities quite easily – we are not talking about the Pokemon cards-. It seems like they even gamble with their parents which shows that online gambling has become a familial pastime activity. It seems like harsher New Jersey online gambling regulations are needed. New Jersey Lottery officials believe that their Stacked Deck program is the right solution for under-age gambling tendency as education is the key to the issue of problem gambling. This eight-session-long program focuses on teaching the risks of gambling and how to avoid turning into a problem gambler hulk.



gambling quotationsLisa Vig – “A misunderstanding is that there are a lot of chemical changes that are happening in the brain of a problem gambler when they are participating in that activity. They’re participating in mood-altering behavior. That’s why you leave your kids in the car, that’s why you steal someone’s necklace. That why you dip into your kid’s savings.”

The program director for Gambler’s Choice Lisa Vig goes into the depth of a gambler’s mind to dig out the psychological reasons of gambling. It seems like a problem gambler who encounters casino chips suddenly turns into a werewolf. That is why we always say that gambling is fun as long as you know your limits. Gamble responsibly when you have time and money.




gambling quotationsJune Matthews – “It’s escapism in an increasingly tough world. Women tend to be escapism gamblers, men risk gamblers. It’s a high, without the initial guilt or obvious effects of food or alcohol. It’s a thrill, a bit like shopping – but with the potential to win money rather than spend it. And women are being very cleverly targeted to make it seem fun, feminine and risk-free.”

According to Refinery29, addiction counseling specialist June Matthews (name may be changed) believes that gambling is actually escapism; a way of escaping from the tough reality of the world and running towards the soothing fairytale-like gambling universe where people live in a belief of coming into fortune and retaining a happy life. For men, it is about risk-taking and enjoying the adrenaline boost. In other words, gambling is like movies which kidnap you from the real world in order to mesmerize you in the world of wonders. This is possible thanks to proper online marketing strategies. Well, after all, gambling world is not a monster; there is pure art in the designs of both land-based and online casinos.



gambling quotationsDeclan Lynch – “Gambling as most of us used to know it in betting offices, was largely about poor men recycling their dole money, but it’s now the impulse that drives the entire world economy; when Nama was formed, one of our leaders said it’s a gamble, like, the future of Ireland had now been punted on the proverbial 2.30 at Kempton; banking, the crash of 2008; it was all ultimately gambling. You could call it a new world religion, so to not write about it would seem remiss.”

Irish journalist and writer Declan Lynch looks at gambling from a different angle it seems since he thinks that it is a new world religion. If we consider the success and popularity of the high-tech online casinos, it can be said that the concept of gambling has evolved into a different body in time. It is now a network which brings people together although they do not even leave their living rooms. Money involved gambling is easy and accessible; but that is not the only way of gambling. People don’t even need to sit at a poker table to gamble as every major decision that we need to take in the modern era is gambling in a way. We roll the dice every day and live according to the result.


gambling quotationsChess McQueen – “These games are nothing more than updated slot machine games. Instead of using an arm pull to start the slot you actually push a button.”

The last item of the gambling quotations of the week is from special agent Chess McQueen. He commented on the new type of illegal armless slot machines which can be found in many dodgy bar and restaurant in the US and Europe. They are easy to access and difficult to control. These machines are essential parts of the illegal gambling activities in North Carolina. It seems like many employees and shop owners do not even know that they are illegal in the state. Check out the best online US casino reviews to find the proper and legal online casinos in North Carolina.

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About the author

Keremcan is a devoted philologist by profession. He is a passionate supporter of his local football and basketball teams. Since he loves conducting extensive researches in eclectic fields, he has taken up the role of the head of the research team of Gambling Herald.

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