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Playing Online Casino, Paying With PayPal


Why should you use PayPal when playing online casino? First of all, why is it better to play online casino games? Simply because it’s easier than going out to seek the best casinos in the neighborhood. As we indicated it last time in connection with online bitcoin casinos, the future lies in online opportunities regarding all segments of life.

Due to the technological developments, paying online is the fastest form of arranging financial businesses. This is good news for gambling fans as well, since some online casinos has started to accept payments made via PayPal after playing online casino games.

Playing online casino is the biggest potential of the US gambling industry. Based on the data published in a report on ValueWalk, only New Jersey – which has the biggest online gambling business – gained over $12 million within one month. In comparison with the total national casino revenue (which is over $70 million), New Jersey’s achievement is incredibly high.

Despite PayPal terminated its’ operations on the US gambling industry in 2003, later embarked on working together with popular online gambling websites like or Derby Games. In the announcement to CNBC the company established, their technology is fully compatible with the current regulations regarding real money gaming throughout the states.

Playing Online Casino and Using PayPal Make You Feel Safe

 After hearing this fairly convincing statement of theirs, there is no need to be concerned about the safety issues of PayPal. According to the Fraud Index Report Q1,2014 by, PayPal is safer to use than credit cards. Numbers are a proof of this comment, the previous report said, the use of PayPal reduces the risk of fraud by 50%. Moreover, PayPal has an advanced system to protect customers with the latest anti-fraud technology which means the suspicious accounts are tracked and customers are notified immediately.

PayPal, as the World’s Largest Online Payment Business

PayPal Holdings, Inc is an American company which operates an online payment system worldwide. The company operates as a receiver, which performs payment processing for online merchants. PayPal was established back in 1998 by four businessman Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Ken Howery.  By  the end of 2002, it became the fully owned subsidiary of eBay.

Today, PayPal operates in 203 markets and has over 170 million registered accounts. It provides customers sending, receiving and holding funds in 26 currencies globally.

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About the author

Journalist, sociologist, passionate about writing and music. Especially jazz music, so can be defined as a jazz journalist too. Besides these, loves writing about everything from extreme sports to gambling or fashion sociology. Wine, Coffee and Winter fan, and a real OPTIMIST.

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