Gambling Herald

New Sports Betting Bill Gets Proposed in California


The latest reports suggest that a new sports betting bill will be proposed in California, leading the representatives of the state to make a decision of whether or not the people will be able to gamble online within the borders. This has been happening quite a bit recently in the US, with New York rejecting any ideas for sports betting in 2019. Let’s take a look at the article as a whole.

If you take a look at the latest online gambling news, you’ll find that in the US it has been over a year since the federal government changed a law for all states not to accept online casinos within their borders. Well, since then, many different states in the US have taken gambling inside their borders and now California may be looking to do the same.

How would the Bill in California Change the Current Scheme?

Lawmakers in California believe that the bill is the best thing at the moment for the state. That’s why they have introduced the new sports betting bill.

Assemblyman Adam Gray and Senator Bill Dodd are keen on the idea of the bill and would be supporting it in order to free the US’ most populated state from the illegal black market of sports betting.

In order for the bill to go through, it will first need to be given the green light for California based on a state-wide ballot. Here’s a few words from Dodd:

“By legalising sports wagering, we can avoid some of the problems associated with an underground market such as fraud and tax evasion while investing in problem gambling education.”

“All other gaming activities in California are subject to regulations that ensure the safety of consumers. Sports wagering should be treated no differently.”

Gray believes that California would make a multi-billion-dollar industry out of sports gambling.

The bill faces another problem though before it virtually had any chance of becoming a law. The tribal gaming operators control gambling in California and would have to approve the bill.

While they would undoubtedly be interested in offering the vertical, they would likely be against private companies entering the market.

The state has been trying to pass an online poker bill since 2008, but has so far failed to overcome this same hurdle.

Do you think that California will get the sports bill which they are pushing for? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

About the author

Simon is a University student majoring in the field of Communication. Since a young age, his two passions are writing and sports. Originally from England, the Premier League is an important part of his life.

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