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Nevada Online Gambling Laws to Allow Cooperation between Nevada and New Jersey


Nevada online gambling laws are about to give green light to a cooperation between Nevada and New Jersey which would allow both states to operate a common gambling pool together.

Nevada is known as the gambling haven of the USA thanks to the world’s biggest gambling hubs as Las Vegas and Paradise. Although Nevada gambling laws allow the operation of land-based casinos within the borders of the state, the very same laws blockade the expansion of online gambling in Nevada.

There are already online casinos in Nevada. However, the casinos allowed in the state are mainly online poker sites. Nevada online poker sites generate income to the state; nevertheless it is not even close to the real potential of online gambling. Now the Nevada lawmakers seem to be aware of the importance of online gambling for the state revenue as New Jersey generates huge income through online gambling.

It is a known fact that US gambling laws are quite strict in terms of online gambling activities in the country. Nevertheless, states have sovereign rights to allow such activities if they wish. In other words, there is no obstacle for Nevada to expand online gambling activities within the state borders.

According US online gambling news, Nevada lawmakers proposed New Jersey to create a common gambling pool. This project aims to create a common platform for both Nevada and New Jersey players which would definitely increase the revenue.

The idea is solid. Nevertheless, there are some fundamental obstacles against this project. First of all, Nevada online gambling laws are still extremely strict in terms of online gambling activities in the state. Secondly, there is the problem of placing servers since the common gambling pool has to be located somewhere. Third, there is the problem of regulating the gambling activities since it is difficult to have identical online gambling regulations. And the fifth issue, maybe the most important of all, is that they have to figure out an effective way to split the winnings. The rakes have to be divided evenly. Even this task needs a special regulatory body which would be monitored by both states.

Expansion of Nevada Online Gambling Laws Have to Deal with Adelson and Wynn

There is a conspicuous interest in the legalization of online betting and gambling in Nevada despite the obstacles. Nevada online betting regulations are also waiting on the desks of the state’s lawmakers. According to Nevada online gambling news, there is a high interest in the legalization of online sports betting in the state.

The strongest antagonists against the expansion of Nevada online gambling laws are the casino magnates Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn. They seem to be quite effective in New Jersey as the governor Chris Christie keeps putting pressure on the online gambling industry. However, they don’t find the support that they need to blockade online gambling in Nevada.

Clock is ticking for Nevada lawmakers. There is a huge pressure on them as the influential names of the Nevada casino industry are striving for getting into the Nevada online gaming market which is expected to be huge if Nevada follows the example of New Jersey.

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About the author

Keremcan is a devoted philologist by profession. He is a passionate supporter of his local football and basketball teams. Since he loves conducting extensive researches in eclectic fields, he has taken up the role of the head of the research team of Gambling Herald.

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