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British Greyhound Racing to be Behind Closed Doors


Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, British Greyhound racing has been moved into a new dimension. That is to say, races will happen behind closed doors. The decision has been made by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB). Read on to find out more.

Unlike other sports in the UK, such as football, cricket and golf, greyhound racing is still operational. As seen in the latest online gambling news, the coronavirus has led many sports, all around the world, to being postponed. Thus, the GBGB are taking a laid-back approach when dealing with COVID-19 and giving everyone who stays at home something to watch.

Coronavirus causes British Greyhound Racing to be played without Spectators

The GBGB regulatory body saw it fit to allow the races to continue. This comes after careful consideration and various discussions with veterinary experts and industry representatives.

The Managing Director of GBGB, Mark Bird, had this to comment on the matter:

“These are uncertain and unprecedented times and our utmost priority is always the welfare and care of the greyhounds at the centre of our sport. We are likewise mindful of the health and wellbeing of everyone associated with British greyhound racing and of course our wider social responsibility to help minimise the transmission and impact of COVID-19.

“As a sport, we have therefore taken the collective decision to move all racing behind closed doors from today across our licensed stadia in England. We believe that this is the best way of the sport continuing to operate safely and successfully for the moment; minimising risk but maintaining the cashflow that is essential to everyone’s livelihoods and to the care of our greyhounds.”

“Likewise, after Saturday this week, all open racing will be suspended temporarily to reduce the need for travelling between stadia. We will be working alongside track owners and promoters to support those most affected by this, with greyhounds being entered into graded races where possible in the short term.

British Greyhound Racing to still Commence

As people are stuck in quarantine and many have to remain at home. Yet, greyhound racing could be a good form of entertainment for many. Bird has stressed to the importance that the decision would not have been taken would it not be considered safe. He continues:

“These measures will help to safeguard the welfare of our greyhounds by ensuring that, although behind closed doors, racing continues wherever possible at this stage. However, as the situation develops at pace, we are also continuing to put in place contingencies and ring-fencing funds to support those working in the sport, should racing eventually need to pause altogether. We will be joining other industries in urging the government to widen the financial support for businesses and the self-employed in case of this eventuality.”

COVID-19 Impact on British Sport

British greyhound racing could become one of the only sports to continue to be played in the coming months. At first, all elite football in the country was postponed until April the 3rd. However, that date was pushed back until the 30th.

The bigger question remains, will we still see sporting seasons finish? Or will various events and seasons have to be called off?

The COVID-19 has taken everyone by storm, especially various industries. Online casinos have to rest assured that their revenue and EBITDA rates will not be harmed by the virus. On the contrary, the coronavirus appears to affect everyone, from all walks of life.

We will be keeping a close eye on this one and waiting for updates in the near future. Until then, feel free to try your luck at one of our well-regarded online casinos.

About the author

Simon is a University student majoring in the field of Communication. Since a young age, his two passions are writing and sports. Originally from England, the Premier League is an important part of his life.

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