Gambling Herald
  • Gambling news
    UK Gambling Firms must Check each Player in each Hour

    The UK Gambling Commissions' newest measures to protect problem gamblers is a huge duty for the UK gambling firms. Since during the previous months, plenty of players were facing a higher risk to follow harmful behavior, the UK authorities told the betting firms to check or even contact their consumers each hour. That can happen in the form of a notice or in more serious cases even in the form of a massage or a phone call.

  • Gambling news
    British Horse Racing Season Will Resume First Among the Other Sports in the UK

    The British Horse Racing Season has been suspended just like any other sports events around the world. Anyhow, slowly life returns to the sports world's veins. Soon we can celebrate the phenomenons just like we did a couple of months ago. Anyhow, the UK Government will only ease the measurements when they are sure there is no more significant danger. Thus, the resume in Great Britan will happen a bit later than in the other European countries.

  • Gambling news
    Resume of Sports Events in the UK Won’t Happen Before June

    The UK Government plans to do the first measures to start recovering the everyday life of England on the 13th of May. The plan is that in three stages they will ease the restrictions when there is no danger anymore. In stage two, we can expect the resume of sports events in the UK. Of course, behind closed doors and with strict Health & Safety rules. Anyhow, according to the authorities that won't happen before the 1st of June.

  • Gambling news
    AffiliateCon Virtually Live Will Take Place On the 12th of May

    Due to the current situation, most events had to be canceled. However, there are a lot of opportunities to organize gatherings on virtual platforms. A great example is the AffiliateCon Virtually Live, where the most important questions of the gambling industry will be discussed. Also, you can meet with the most actual topics and most promising markets. Meanwhile, you can learn more about the latest trends. Even more, in the reflection of the online form, this time the Con will be completely free. You can register for the virtual event on the movement's official website.

  • Gambling Guide
    The New Forms of Problem Gambling and the Anticipated Solutions

    Problem gambling has always been a big issue in the UK or basically everywhere around the globe. However, this issue is not a thing that anyone can solve in a couple of days. Throughout history, there was always a popular form to lose all your money with venturing. Nowadays, the most prevailing forms of problem gambling are caused by online platforms and advertisements.

  • Gambling news
    The German Football Season Will Restart in the Middle of May

    The previous weeks were hard times for football lovers all around the globe. Mostly for the European citizens since the event cancellations are started right before the German Football Season or any other important League could have started. Anyhow, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel since the Bundesliga finally announced to resume the suspended championship.

  • Gambling news
    TV Betting – Reality Shows in the Gambling Industry

    The world is always loved silly bets. That's why TV Betting on Reality shows or on the popular Netflix or HBO series appeared on the betting market. Even if it generates a smaller income to the operators, online firms believe that it has a considerable future. These unexpected wagering options attract new registrations. Meanwhile, real venturers can also find joy in these special bets. Since they can trust their guts instead of the boring statistics and AIs who can outsmart even the smartest gamblers. So, welcome to the world of chaos and randomness, the world of unexpected (an also mindless) twists! Welcome to the world of TV Betting!

  • Gambling news
    Swedish Restrictions Can Lead to the Rise of the Black Market

    During the past months, a lot of European countries made serious decisions. The commissions' aim is to regulate online betting and casinos to prevent problem gambling. With those new rules, Swedish Restrictions appeared as well. Anyhow, these decisions by the authorities are controversial. Since the gambling firms with a proper license are saying that this way, they will only increase the interest of the sites which are illegal in the country. The regulations may be live from the 7th of May.

  • Gambling news
    What’s the Deal With Loot Boxes? – Is It Gambling or Not?

    Day by day the loot boxes are taken more and more seriously. Some people say these forms of virtual products can cause harm to customers. Even more, as the biggest audience of the video games which offers these chests are mostly targeting teenagers and children. Anyhow, even responsible customers love it. Are loot boxes gambling? Should loot boxes be regulated or completely banned? Let's take a closer look together.
