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Hits n Folds: May 9 – May 13


Hits – Online Gambling News

Turkish National Lottery (Milli Piyango) Looking to Become Privatized in the near Future

Turkey Lotto Privatization

The bigger the better! (“That’s what she said…”) But for the sake of Turkish lottery players, we’re keeping our fingers crossed the privatization doesn’t lead to a hike in prices, or a reduction in the prize pot for that matter, but rather an increase in the Lotto Jackpot. Imagine having to pay 10-15 Lira for your lottery ticket just so you can win 30 Lira in return, and that’s if you hit all your numbers. “Special price for you my friend…” Read more…

New Poker Movie Will See Idris Elba and Jessica Chastain Share the Screen Together

Mollys Game

The popular screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, Moneyball, Steve Jobs, etc.) will be making his directorial debut with the upcoming poker movie “Molly’s Game” – based on the book of the same name. It will tell the story of Molly Bloom, a woman that rose through the ranks of the poker world by staging some of the most lavish poker parties in Hollywood. Read more…

Man from Long Island Wins Lottery Jackpot for a Second Time!

Bruce Magistro

(Image credit: Inquirer)

What are the odds that one man can win the Lottery Jackpot twice? Well, as Bruce Magistro, a Long Island construction worker, has demonstrated with his second Lotto Jackpot win, it really can happen. A few years ago he won a cool $1 million Jackpot prize, and his luck has rewarded him again recently, as he collected another $1 million Jackpot check. The first win was raddled with misfortune, but we hope he can at least enjoy his second Lottery Jackpot win. Read more…

Raging Bull Casino Guide – Suit Em Up Blackjack

Raging Bull Blackjack

All I know about Blackjack is that you have to get as close as possible to 21 without going past 21, as that results in a bust. But of course, as our world becomes more technologically advanced people come up with new and exciting ways to launch new variations of the traditional casino game. Just like there are lots of versions of the delicious Johnnie Walker, there are also tons of versions of the popular game of 21. So check out Raging Bull’s guide on “Suit Em Up Blackjack” and join the online casino to enjoy the fun and win prizes! (For more info about the online casino, check out Raging Bull Casino Review.) Read more…

Folds – Online Gambling News

New Jersey Faces a Problem with Underage Gamblers as Average Gambling Age Reaches a New Low

New Jersey Underage Gambling

(Image credit: Counsellor Sam’s Blog)

New study finds that 11-year-olds in New Jersey’s elementary schools are now gambling, while 37% of students from four Atlantic County school districts have confessed to gambling for money at some in the past. And we thought that 10-year-olds smoking Marlboro and Lucky Strike cigarettes in Eastern Europe was pretty bad… Let’s just hope that both of these trends discontinue soon. If Trump is elected the new President of the US, then we can expect a lot tougher policies regarding this issue…uuummmm, yeah right! Read more…

Lottery Winners that Weren’t so Lucky in the End

Unlucky Lotto Winners

(Video credit: TheRichest)

You may think that winning the lottery will solve all of your life’s problems at once, but that’s not the case for every lottery winner. Some lotto players made bad decisions (to say the least) with their winnings, so let this article be a warning to all of you who strive to win the Lottery Jackpot one day. Play online lotto, but make sure to be careful with your money after you receive the massive check! Read more…

Hits – Online Gambling Promotions

The Sky is the Limit with Royal Panda’s Extreme Limits Live Roulette!

Play Live Roulette in Europe

Join Royal Panda Casino and enjoy straight bets of up to $500 and maximums of a whopping $200,000 per round! Play Live Roulette like never before and win massive prizes! There’s nothing we can add about this. If the $200,000 maximum bet alone doesn’t convince you, well then… we guess you don’t like winning big.

(Check out Royal Panda Casino Review for more info about the online casino. Sorry to disappoint, but you can’t win any pandas…but you can win lots of money with this online casino and then buy yourself a zoo that’s filled exclusively with pandas.) Read more…     Play Now!

Folds – Online Gambling Promotions

Yuuuuppppiiii!! We didn’t have any bad promos last week!

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About the author

Mark-Antonio Zivic used to be a professional footballer that won a record six Champions League medals... but decided to quit the game in his prime, believing he was better than both Ronaldo and Messi. Now he spends his time brainstorming ideas for Gambling Herald, before he ventures into Hollywood movies, rubbing shoulders with Daniel Day-Lewis and Sofia Vergara.

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