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Danger of Online Gambling – The Latest Scandal in the UK


We here a lot of unfortunate stories about the unfortunate outcomes of problem gambling. This issue always had many aspects but nowadays we must also calculate with the danger of online gambling. Today we will talk about a sad story when a young man took his own life despite the caring of his loved ones. About his parents who are unhappy with the Gambling Emission’s attitude. And about how we could prevent countless similar cases.

In the latest online gambling news, sometimes, we must also talk about the dark side of gambling. And mostly, the danger of online gambling. Online options are making occasional and professional gamblers’ life way more entertaining and easier. However, it can easily lead to serious consequences when problem gamblers start to play on virtual platforms.

We can still hear the echos of the 2017 tragedy

Two years ago the 24-year-old Jack Ritchie, who taught English to children in Vietnam, took his own life. In that year, a lot of gambling regulations started because of the many similar controversial cases. By the way, as Jack’s parents described the Gambling Commission can’t deny the responsibility. Jack’s father noticed his son’s problem gambling behavior at the age of 18. He even made his son banned from the local bookmakers. However, he wasn’t prepared for the danger of online gambling. Later, they even installed software that prevented him from accessing online casinos. But as the subscription for the ResponsibleGaming Program expired, and years passed, they lost control over Jack.


Danger of Online Gambling

Don’t afraid to ask help if you feel like loosing control

His family did anything to protect him from gambling harm but they didn’t prepare for the true danger of online gambling

Even if the parents’ have a point with the critic thoughts about the UK Gambling Commission, the things ain’t that simple. While they did hard work to protect their child, there are some fields when governing authorities also required. And not simply as the regulating forces but as guardians who search and help problem gamblers. Since the true danger of online gambling is when a victim disappears from the map. And if someone heads dark web gaming, or just simply finds inappropriate online forms of betting can easily find himself in trouble.

The best way to prevent tragedies is to open a conversation with problem gamblers

First, for the most, it seems gambling is evil as it is. But that’s not true. Gambling satisfies the most ancient desires like curiosity and the eagerness to venturing. One way or another, people will wager. So demonizing the gambling industry or the government doesn’t lead anywhere. First of all, we must talk about the problem, to help the victims recognize their addiction or their misbehaviors that can lead to more serious consequences. But this is the easy part.

While most of the gambling regulations are restrictions, the starting of the conversation would be way more important. The authorities must pay their attention to a system that can find and help problem gamblers without taking their air. As the new gambling laws put a lot of operators in an awkward situation and make gaming way less enjoyable for punters they are not reaching a better world. The licensed, trustworthy, completely legal firms won’t be able to compete with the half-legal offshore companies who are promising way more without any limitations. And gamblers will choose them since other sites won’t let them gamble because of the unstable financial background.

We must find a way to prevent cases like Jack’s tragedy. Anyhow, as the biggest danger of online gambling is that authorities can lose any form of oversight on problematic individuals. In summary, the gambling industry needs reforms, not restrictions.

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