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Can the UK Expect Further Gambling Regulations in 2020?


The UK Gambling Commission did a lot of measurements to protect UK gamblers. However, the odds are against them. Since they found out from the latest researches that problem gambling can be way more serious in the country than the expected. Thus, it seems like we will face further gambling regulations in 2020 to protect people in need.

If you follow the latest gambling news, it won’t be a surprise that how many steps the gambling authorities made in Europe prevent any harm caused by gambling during those difficult months. Anyhow, it seems it’s not enough. But no one really wants further gambling regulations in 2020, neither the bettors or the industry. Next to the huge revenue drop, these strict new rules are just another pain in the ass. Still, the numbers never lie and they are picturing us a sad future if we won’t find a diplomatic solution.

According to the latest survey, there are way more problem gamblers in the UK then anyone thinks

First of all, if someone is struggling with problem gambling, he isn’t the only one who is danger, but his or her surroundings as well. Thus, to protect the gambling addict isn’t just a technical but also an ethical question. Even if the UK Gambling Commission does everything to prevent this misbehavior, there are many cases when no one can help. Even more, according to the latest survey, the odds are against us. In the UK they expected that 0.7% of the community has issues with problem gambling. It turned out that this value is closer to 2.7%. And, these are the real gambling addicts. The number of people who have smaller problems with his wagering behaviors can be much higher.

And what is the worst part is that most of these individuals don’t have the necessary help from the authorities. At least, the half of these addicts can only rely on themselves or on their families and friends (who are turning away from behavior like this many times). Also, not just the size of this group causes problems but the tempo the consumers follow. Not just the number of problem gamblers increased but the seriousness of their addictions as well.

What could be the further gambling regulations in 2020?

The UK has done many steps to prevent problem gambling like:

  • time limits
  • credit card ban
  • deposit limits
  • forcing operators to contact consumers more often
  • credibility checks
  • etc

Still, it seems like it’s not enough since the numbers are growing. They made a lot of strict measurements due to the current situation. They expected that if people will stay home, they will get bored even more desperate and turn to wagering to ease their frustration. If consumers would play on a recreational level it wouldn’t be a problem but, it seems like their worries were right. And the overall situation is way worse and complex than expected.

The big crowd who is betting for fun, and gamblers who are enjoying online poker and don’t want to make a living from it, have completely turned away from gambling because of the current difficulties. While the problematic individuals, who already had issues with gambling, are representing an even worse behavior than before. The goat is hungry and the cabbage is gone…

To be honest, I don’t think that there could be any further gambling regulations in 2020 which could solve these issues. But it seems that the UK Gambling Commission doesn’t agree with me. We can expect new rules in the upcoming months or weeks.

Sometimes, it feels like it’s never been this difficult to stay in the gambling industry than these days. But heads up, since this business can’t be just simply stopped. The only thing we can do is to make every necessary step to protect our consumers while focusing on the future and rely on our creativity to find an overall solution.


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